The {finddxtemplate} package provides design tools to create a Rmd template for html documents.

Current version is 0.1.0.

The documentation is available here:

HTML template

An overview of the HTML template is available here:

Or in command line:

browseURL(system.file("rmarkdown", "rmd_template.html", package = "finddxtemplate"))


You can install the package with:

if (requireNamespace("remotes")){install.packages("remotes")}
remotes::install_local(path = "path/to/finddxtemplate_0.1.0.tar.gz", 
                       repos = "", 
                       type = "source")


  • Open a classical RStudio project File > New Project…
  • Open a classical R Markdown file File > New File > R Markdown…
  • Update the YAML header at the top of the file by:
    • Adding the logo field
    • Changing the output field
title: "My report"
author: "Arthur Bréant"
date: "1/13/2022"
logo: "`r system.file('logo', 'logo.svg', package = 'finddxtemplate')`"
output: finddxtemplate::html_document_find
  • Knit


Open the pkgdown:


Two vignettes are available:

  • Package installation
  • Integration of the FIND graphic design in R Markdown reports